Owl Speaks Secrets: (25:10)
I was on my back gazing up through the tent window. The fire had died away hours
ago. Stars flashed out momentarily, far away behind a cloudy sky. Grandmother Moon
was low and waning, barely giving light. The stillness of the forest was exalted by the
muffling effects of several inches of new snow. There was the wind, the cold, and the
darkness of winter. Barred Owls were on the hunt, a surround-sound of hoots and calls.
Way out in the wilderness a cold coyote called. We laid still and, hearing the music of
the invisible landscape, we listened.

Snow Devas: (26:08)
I had trudged up to The Point through the knee-deep snow
To set the Imbolc balefire, and place
The greenery and candles on the altar.
Tonight we'd celebrate with mead and rites and lights,
But just then it seemed that I was alone.
They were there.
Snow Devas!
Those falling diamond crystalline curtains,
Shook loose from the laden branches of the hemlock trees,
Whorled up and around in the crisp whipping mountain air,
Refracted into pin-point rainbows by the blue-white sunlight.
I stood on the ledge near the altar,
Slow-dazzled, caught in their dancing.
As I looked out over the forest floor
Icy giants swirled by,
Making their turns and plies in the air,
Rising and shifting and wrapping around the others,
Some pirouetting away into the trees in search of new partners,
Some swanning gracefully down,
Glittering jewels on the forest floor.